The decisions you make for yourself,
and the expectations you set,
create your reality
But the more you let AI do your thinking for you,
the less thinking you do for yourself
A Special Place of Practice for Human Intelligence
Not just the idea of Self-Leadership, but the actual experience of it
Self-Leaders (and those aspiring to be) meet weekly for an hour in an online self-study meeting space, to develop and strengthen their Self-Leadership and their Self-Agility, exploring what's uniquely human in the face of rapidly expanding AI advances.
What's special about the Self-Leadership Hub self-study experience is that it's enabled by a special kind of conversation with another person.
These special conversations are called Self-Leadership Dialogs.
The Self-Leadership Dialogs conversation process is based on the pioneering Clean Language models developed by the late David Grove and the contributions of the many people inspired by his work.
Dojo is a Japanese word meaning "the place of the way", originally referring to a place to study and practice the martial arts, but that has now come to mean any place of immersive and experiential learning.
The Self-Leadership Hub is called the Human Intelligence Dojo because it is a place that allows for that to happen.
AI is a marvel, to be sure.
But it's Artificial. Artificial Intelligence.
Human Intelligence is everything that Artificial Intelligence is not.
And the more AI creeps into everyday daily life, replacing bits of Human Intelligence, and the more prevalent it becomes, the more Artificial Intelligence becomes accepted to be the same as Human Intelligence.
But it's not. Because it's Artificial.
Human Intelligence, and the unique powers it possesses, is in jeopardy of being lost and forgotten when it stops being exercised.
The Self-Leadership Hub is called the Human Intelligence Dojo because it's a special place to exercise and practise Human Intelligence in a special way that develops and strengthens your Self-Leadership and Self-Agility, and prevents AI from taking over your world without you even noticing.
By participating in the weekly Self-Leadership Dialogs you get to get to become re-acquainted with your own unique Human Intelligence.
Self-Leadership is not for everyone.
The Self-Leadership Hub is a special environment supporting the mindset of those thinking about the new world of work.
People like solopreneurs, intrapreneurs, and those who have had enough of being defined by a job, or have been thinking about starting over.
Autonomy and independence can bring about a kind of aloneness known only by those with this intention and purpose.
The Self-Leadership Hub offers a place for such Self-Leaders to meet others and discover they are not alone in this unique Self-Leadership experience.
The Self-Leadership mindset is often provoked within those tired of their lives only being about the priorities of others.
They are dissatisfied with the outcomes of past personal decision-making and expectation-setting, and are seeking clarity about new personal options.
The Self-Leadership Dialogs self-study experience opens up the space for that to happen.
Gain from, and contribute to, the collective intelligence of other Self-Leaders inventing the new world of self-directed authenticity and originality
Breathe easy in a safe space of discovery removed from the daily grind, a safe place where you are accountable only to yourself
Get to meet the exact right people to help you right now as you develop and strengthen your Self-Leadership
You are not alone.
Join others in the next weekly Self-Leadership Dialog and discover new dimensions of your Human Intelligence with peers you have yet to meet.
It's not training, and it's not coaching.
It's even better.
Are you ready to discover experiencing it?