Ground Rules

  1. Unless your partner tells you otherwise, everything said and heard in every Dialog meeting is confidential, and is not to be shared with any other parties
  2. Only share what you are comfortable sharing
  3. If you have an opinion about what you hear your partner saying, keep it to yourself
  4. Offer no advice, unless it's asked for
  5. When it is your turn to listen, listen intently (i.e., listen with intention)
  6. Treat your partner with openness and respect, adhering to the Golden Rule, treating them they way you would want to be treated
  7. Treat your partner with openness and respect, adhering to the Platinum Rule, treating them they way they want to be treated
  8. Allow space and time for contradictory realities and ideas to simultaneously co-exist
  9. Despite efforts to ensure you are dialoguing with a different person each week, there may be occasions when you are randomly paired with someone with whom you have previously dialogued. Should this happen, just pretend as if it is the first time you have met.
  10. You may not at any time retain, copy, reproduce, publish in any form, share, sell, dispose of or otherwise make available to a third party in any way any of the proprietary intellectual property of the Self-Leadership Hub
  11. You may not make any audio, video, or visual recordings, nor enable transcriptions to be made of any part of any Self-Leadership Dialogs